未来几年物联网设备计数的预期增加促使有效算法的开发,可以帮助其有效管理,同时保持功耗低。在本文中,我们提出了一种智能多通道资源分配算法,用于Loradrl的密集Lora网络,并提供详细的性能评估。我们的结果表明,所提出的算法不仅显着提高了Lorawan的分组传递比(PDR),而且还能够支持移动终端设备(EDS),同时确保较低的功耗,因此增加了网络的寿命和容量。}大多数之前作品侧重于提出改进网络容量的不同MAC协议,即Lorawan,传输前的延迟等。我们展示通过使用Loradrl,我们可以通过Aloha \ TextColor {Black}与Lorasim相比,我们可以实现相同的效率LORA-MAB在将复杂性从EDS移动到网关的同时,因此使EDS更简单和更便宜。此外,我们在大规模的频率干扰攻击下测试Loradrl的性能,并显示其对环境变化的适应性。我们表明,与基于学习的技术相比,Loradrl的输出改善了最先进的技术的性能,从而提高了PR的500多种\%。
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Neuromorphic vision or event vision is an advanced vision technology, where in contrast to the visible camera that outputs pixels, the event vision generates neuromorphic events every time there is a brightness change which exceeds a specific threshold in the field of view (FOV). This study focuses on leveraging neuromorphic event data for roadside object detection. This is a proof of concept towards building artificial intelligence (AI) based pipelines which can be used for forward perception systems for advanced vehicular applications. The focus is on building efficient state-of-the-art object detection networks with better inference results for fast-moving forward perception using an event camera. In this article, the event-simulated A2D2 dataset is manually annotated and trained on two different YOLOv5 networks (small and large variants). To further assess its robustness, single model testing and ensemble model testing are carried out.
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Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) popularity is on the rise as it enables the services like traffic monitoring, emergency communications, deliveries, and surveillance. However, the unauthorized usage of UAVs (a.k.a drone) may violate security and privacy protocols for security-sensitive national and international institutions. The presented challenges require fast, efficient, and precise detection of UAVs irrespective of harsh weather conditions, the presence of different objects, and their size to enable SafeSpace. Recently, there has been significant progress in using the latest deep learning models, but those models have shortcomings in terms of computational complexity, precision, and non-scalability. To overcome these limitations, we propose a precise and efficient multiscale and multifeature UAV detection network for SafeSpace, i.e., \textit{MultiFeatureNet} (\textit{MFNet}), an improved version of the popular object detection algorithm YOLOv5s. In \textit{MFNet}, we perform multiple changes in the backbone and neck of the YOLOv5s network to focus on the various small and ignored features required for accurate and fast UAV detection. To further improve the accuracy and focus on the specific situation and multiscale UAVs, we classify the \textit{MFNet} into small (S), medium (M), and large (L): these are the combinations of various size filters in the convolution and the bottleneckCSP layers, reside in the backbone and neck of the architecture. This classification helps to overcome the computational cost by training the model on a specific feature map rather than all the features. The dataset and code are available as an open source: github.com/ZeeshanKaleem/MultiFeatureNet.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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本研究专注于评估智能和安全车辆系统的热对象检测的实时性能,通过在GPU和单板边缘GPU计算平台上部署训练有素的网络进行车载汽车传感器套件测试。在充满挑战的天气和环境场景中,获取,加工和开放,包括具有> 35,000个不同框架的新型大规模热数据集。 DataSet是从丢失的成本且有效的未加工的LWIR热敏摄像机,安装独立和电动车辆中的记录,以最大限度地减少机械振动。最先进的YOLO-V5网络变体使用四个不同的公共数据集进行培训,也可以通过采用SGD优化器来实现DNN的最佳通用的本地数据集。培训网络的有效性在广泛的测试数据上使用了各种定量度量来验证,包括精度,召回曲线,平均精度和每秒帧。使用规特相关推理加速器进一步优化YOLO的较小网络变体,明确提高每秒速率的帧。在低功率边缘设备上测试时,优化的网络引擎在低功耗边缘设备上测试时,每秒速率增加3.5倍。在NVIDIA Jetson Nano和60 fps上的NVIDIA Xavier NX Development Landls上实现了11个FPS。
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自我监督的预制是自然语言处理模型的首选方法,在许多愿景任务中迅速获得普及。最近,自我监督的预借鉴已经显示出胜过许多下游视觉应用的预测,标志着该地区的里程碑。这种优越性归因于传达多个概念的训练图像的不完全标记的负面影响,而是使用单个主要类标签进行注释。虽然自我监督的学习(SSL)原则上没有这种限制,但促进SSL的借口任务的选择是通过向单个概念输出驱动学习过程来实现这种缺点。本研究旨在调查在不使用标签的情况下建模图像中存在的所有概念的可能性。在这方面,所提出的SSL帧工作MC-SSL0.0是迈向多概念自我监督学习(MC-SSL)的步骤,其超出了在图像中建模的单一主导标签,以有效地利用来自所有概念的所有概念在里面。 MC-SSL0.0由两个核心设计概念,组屏蔽模型学习和学习伪概念,用于使用势头(教师学生)框架的数据令牌。多标签和多类图像分类下游任务的实验结果表明,MC-SSL0.0不仅超越了现有的SSL方法,而且超越了监督转移学习。源代码将公开可供社区培训更大的语料库。
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随着计算机愿景中变压器架构的普及,研究焦点已转向开发计算有效的设计。基于窗口的本地关注是最近作品采用的主要技术之一。这些方法以非常小的贴片尺寸和小的嵌入尺寸开始,然后执行冲击卷积(贴片合并),以减少特征图尺寸并增加嵌入尺寸,因此,形成像设计的金字塔卷积神经网络(CNN)。在这项工作中,我们通过呈现一种新的各向同性架构,调查变压器中的本地和全球信息建模,以便采用当地窗口和特殊令牌,称为超级令牌,以自我关注。具体地,将单个超级令牌分配给每个图像窗口,该窗口捕获该窗口的丰富本地细节。然后使用这些令牌用于跨窗口通信和全局代表学习。因此,大多数学习都独立于较高层次的图像补丁$(n)$,并且仅基于超级令牌$(n / m ^ 2)$何处,从中学习额外的嵌入量窗口大小。在ImageNet-1K上的标准图像分类中,所提出的基于超代币的变压器(STT-S25)实现了83.5 \%的精度,其等同于带有大约一半参数(49M)的Swin变压器(Swin-B)和推断的两倍时间吞吐量。建议的超级令牌变压器为可视识别任务提供轻量级和有前途的骨干。
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